What Powers The Server Admin
— Our Story
Geek Moment
So what is the current setup like for The Server Admin?
I find myself always learning and tweaking the settings of a server to squeeze even more out of it to really see what I can do. No difference here at The Server Admin.
As my server roots are in Linux, well Linux was the only option for me, I have “some” past IIS experience but not enough to me for a solid/safe configuration…… Yet, but I am learning.
UPDate December 2024:
I have upgraded the VPS to a dedicated server over at Reliable Site because well I had to many VPS’s running around and I figured lets combine this to one location, so I did this. I didn’t go crazy with this “upgrade” but here are the new specs.

As you can see I moved to an I7 with 64 GB’s RAM, Now this was a bit of a down grade as I went from NVMe drives to an SSD. So there is slower disk read/writes. Also the I7 is a slower processor. Also I decided to switch to Caddy Webserver instead of LiteSpeed, as well I just like Caddy some more. Also this server is now running Plex, a GUI, and a Web Server, PHP, and MySQL. So I can’t complain at all. As you can see the Reqs/per/second went up, which honestly is nice but a bit of a surprise as LS Cache is amazing, and the NVMe drives. However I am not complaining.
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I have been working with Fran over at BuyVM.net now for over a decade, heck I was there the first day he moved into Fiberhub in Las Vegas.
With that as of March 23, 2024 we are hosting on the following.
- BuyVM KVM Slice
- 1 Core CPU
- 2 GB’s RAM
- 40 GB NVMe Disk Space
- 1 Gbit Uplink
- Tons of Bandwidth

Here is the NeoFetch of the VM were hosted on, and yes this is a full Litespeed, MySQL, PHP, full WordPress stack setup. Using 418MiB of RAM

Using Apache Bench I was able to test the main website and as you can see I was able to squeeze out 558/Reqs/Sec. Not bad at all.