MediaCMS – Tips and Tricks

MediaCMS what can I say but an amazing Video Hosting Solutions, I mean a killer check out our demo.

However there are a few little tips and tricks that I have found to help what I think are things to “tweak” or add things to it.

So first thing is changing the Powered by at the lower left of the page. To do this we have to edit a single file. That file is: /home/

footer: 'Powered by <a href="" title="The Server Admin" target="_blank">The Server Admin</a>',

There you go! Don’t forget to save it. Now the interesting page, as this is a core file, you need to restart the MediaCMS, to do this save your file and come back to the prompt. Now run the following

systemctl restart mediacms celery_long celery_short

This will rebuilt your site changing that link!


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